Plantener Management



Offshore Outsourcing

IT Strategi



Om Peter Plantener



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Offshore Outsourcing

IT Strategy


Project Management

About Peter Plantener


Information Technology is an area that is ideal for outsourcing - moving IT tasks that are not essential to the value chain of the enterprise - to a trusted supplier.  By outsourcing all or part of its Information Technology, enterprises can gain considerable benefits:

  • Improved quality as most IT areas require considerable expertise which often are hard for any individual non-IT organisation to maintain.

  • Lower prices due to economies of scale and/or the lower cost structure of the chosen partner.

  • Faster delivery and Increased flexibility because of the larger resource pool, available to the chosen partner.



Plantener Management has an unique expertise  regarding IT Oursourcing. We provide assistance to enterprises that are considering what and how to outsource:


  • Feasibility studies that provide a solid foundation for your decision on whether to outsource to a national provider, to an offshore provider or not at all,

  • Business plans that define your requirements in detail, your financial and non-financial goals and the foundation for obtaining those,

  • Tender, evaluation and selection processes to find the best outsourcing  partner and establish a solid agreement foundation for your partnership.

  • Implementation planning and monitoring where we assist you in the difficult transformation from in-house to outsourced solution


We also help outsourcing vendors improve their capability to provide outsourcing services to the market by:

  • Reviewing product and services offerings and packaging to suit the marketplace.

  • Coaching  and sparring the marketing function to effectively identify and address the market.


Plantener Management is vendor independent and does not provide any commercial  sales services or support to outsourcing vendors.